Tuesday, 5 November 2019

5. Kilimanjaro Challenge: Lemosho Route - Day Four - Moir Hut to Lava Tower and down to Barranco Camp 4,600m

Jambo Jambo!

Thanks for sticking with me up to Day Four of my Kilimanjaro Challenge along the Lemosho Route. We had now from the start travelled 28km up 1,950 metres and made it to Moir Hut at 4,200 metres amsl and aside from the dose of nausea and the occasional pang of a light headache I made a habit of sniffing peppermint oil and was okay to press on. 

But Day Four was going to be our toughest day so far physically and mentally, as we would be following the golden rule of 'walk high, sleep low' passing up to 4,600 metres at the Lava Tower and then dropping down to Barranco camp at 3,950 metres to sleep, where the real signs of any altitude would come into affect - it is 'part of the game' our guides would tell us. A tough game to play in the undulating highs and lows of the Kilimanjaro experience.  

Thursday, 31 October 2019

3. Kilimanjaro Challenge : Lemosho Route - Day Two - Mti Mkubwa - Shira Camp 1 3,610m

Jambo Jambo!

Thanks for joining me on my next blog documenting Day Two of my Kilimanjaro Challenge as I attempt to hike 6 days along the Lemosho Route heading out from Mti Mkubwa Camp and ascending 960 metres to Shira 1 Camp.

'Howwwlllllllll!!!!' a deep scream reverberates outside my tent. I snap my eyes open and listen hazily in the darkness, the African rain drops still softly pattering on my roof. The guttural yowls of a troop of monkeys punctuated the air of the forest outside again, causing me to groan and roll over in my sleeping bag. I wrestle around a few times and manage to squint my eyes at the light of my watch as I push it.

2am. Damn Colobus Monkeys.

Friday, 25 October 2019

1. Kilimanjaro Challenge - Lemosho Route: Jambo Tanzania and Meeting Kilimanjaro...

Jambo Jambo!

That's hello in Swahili! Welcome to the first blog documenting my attempt to climb the highest free standing mountain in the world and also the highest dormant volcano in Africa. Now as you know if you'd be following my training over the last 6 months for this challenge, you know I have trained to be as ready as I'll ever be and fully aware that this was going to be the most relentless, gruelling physical and mental challenge of my life. So lets start right from the beginning, returning to Africa after 12 years to experience the mighty Mt. Kilimanjaro.....and what challenges would lay ahead on our journey to reach to the top of the Roof of Africa.

Wednesday, 9 October 2019

14. My Kilimanjaro Training - 6 Months in - The Final Lap, Thank You and Next Stop Tanzania!

Howdy folks!

The end is here! my training blog for Kilimanjaro has finally come to an end after 6 months after a whopping 77 gyms sessions, 16 training walks covering over 150 miles of adventures around the South East and one week hiking in the fells of the Lake District - I think that's enough training!

I have not been back to Africa for 12 years now after spending five months living in Ghana volunteering on a tennis project in 2007 and decided to sign up for the experience one year ago, feeling like a year was a long time to mentally prepare for Kili and 6 months to get myself physically ready to take it on. I'm now writing my final blog from my preparations which has pretty much consumed my life and given me a test of real discipline and a positive focus through 2019. I have encountered so many kind people along the way, in the gym, out up high in the distant mountains of the Lake District and along my many training hikes with their words of encouragement and support of my cause for M.E sufferers which has affected more people than you would think.

Its been a long road and its finally over!, but now visa, vaccines, training, Pack For A Purpose donations from WHSMITH and braids done I'm all ready to make my return to Africa!

But again, the biggest journey is yet to come....